10 things to do when you’re bored

Imagine this.

You see a small coffee shop tucked away, and enter to buy a skinny chai latte in a large warm mug. You sit in a corner next to the gardens overlooking the vast night view of the city or the sea. Sit high, sit low, grab a vacations magazine and open the first page whilst you wait for the fresh spices topped with frothy milk to warm your senses.  You flick through pages of the travel articles circling the countries you want to escape to.  Then you place the backpack you have spilling off your shoulders to the chair next to you and breath. You are free of everything. As your chai arrives you smile and tug your fleeced jumper over your hands, then tying your messy hair back you grin as your hair tie wraps perfectly into a bun. The world carries on past you but you’re too busy daydreaming about that road trip across every state in America. You take another sip of the cinnamon topped latte and slink to the back of the chair, making it swallow you into a deep cushioning comfort.

Sounds good doesn’t it?

Make it happen! Why are you still sitting there? Plan a holiday or something! Here are some things YOU can do with your day today if you’re ‘bored’:

Number one:


Its a simple one but easy! Whether you have just a phone camera or a Canon go out and take some pictures, post them, be proud of them! Find some cool shots of your town.  Take shots of the hinterland, waterfalls, creeks, dams. Capture the sunset or sunrise. Spot some wildlife or gently scope some plants worth photographing. Its all about what you see that will make a fantastic image.

Number two:

READ A BOOK. Okay, its another simple one, but you can really get into a book if you tried. Im reading ‘One flew over the Cuckoos nest’ (Ok only because I have to for school) but here are some good reads:

  • Matilda, Roald Dahl
  • The Diary of Anne Frank
  • Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austin
  • 1984, George Orwell

Personally, I like the Twilight Novels and the Shadow hunter series of books.

  • The divergent trilogy
  • Hunger games series
  • The book Theif
  • The fault in Our stars
  • Everything, Everything

You have probably heard of the series 13 Reasons Why, but did you know theres a book it came from? If you liked the popular Netflix series, TRY. THE. BOOK. Its the same plot but a whole different side of the story you have seen.

Number Three:

GO TO A COFFEE SHOP WITH A FRIEND! The Gold Coast has so many coffee shops to offer. If you’re somewhere else then i’m sure there are P L E N T Y of cafes on the corner like there is here. Try a different coffee today. Did you know there are 38 different types of coffee you can order? Bet you didn’t! Fine, here, have a look if you don’t believe me:


Use the website Bean Hunter to find the best coffee near you! Go and explore today. If it’s rainy chuck a baggy jumper on and sit in the cafe, do some work, speak to your friends. Go on, give them a message 🙂

Number Four:

Send some letters to your friends or family! Find a crazy-old antique shop or a collectors or a car-boot sale and pick out some vintage postcards and stamps. Make a design out of them; check pinterest for some inspo and send them off! Honestly its the best thing.

Number Five:

Learn something new!

  • A language
  • An Instrument
  • How to drive
  • Self defence/Karate/Martial Arts
  • How to give first aid
  • How to knit
  • Origami
  • How to cook
  • How to make bread from scratch
  • Juggling
  • How to swim
  • Repairing anything
  • How to draw/paint
  • How to Plant seeds in the garden
  • Solve a rubiks cube
  • Discover your family tree/ ancestory.com

Number Six:

Redecorate! Does your bedroom need a revamp? Your living room need some ‘pow’ to it? Maybe your garden needs a touch up? Make a scrapbook of colours, textures, paints, products so you can see it all in front of you- you have to make sure it all works well! Head off to K-mart and grab some fake plants, cosy blankets, frames. Give it a touch of luxury here and there without spending much. Head off to the OP shops to really find some treasure!! I saved a few bean cans and used them for pen holders on my desk, and it worked out pretty well. The LED candle is $10 from K-mart for a set of 3 with a remote that can change its colour. I also found that by repositioning your bed can really change the room up a bit; keep things to minimalism, cluttered rooms aren’t the easiest to think clearly in! Also, by hanging paintings,mirrors or tapestries it can open up the room so it looks larger- try not to go for to dark of colours everywhere it can make it very boxy.


Number Seven:

Instead of buying herbs, grow your own! Get started easy with some packets from local supermarkets! Take a look at Not Just A house wife‘s mason jar DIY herb garden! Get DIY and make some groovy things.

Number Eight:

Money saver. Grab some Mason Jars from a cheap shop store and some labels. Label them into different categories such as ‘Petrol’ if you have a car or ‘Travel’ or ‘Bills’ or ‘Coffee’ and put them on a shelf. If you have any change throughout the year instead of hoarding it inside the black hole of the purse to which you wont see the coins or notes again (because quite simply it vanishes faster than your socks do when they go inside the dryer) then put it inside these jars. Because no one wants to carry cash we spend it,right? Which ever one means the most to you at that moment, D R O P.  I T.  I N. Don’t think otherwise. And after 6 months or so, or when its filled to the top, empty it. Alternatively, take it out as you’re filling it up if you’re desperate for petrol or a coffee ( we all are in the morning, sometimes you just gotta resist). It gives you that real cushioning of coins when you look at your bank account at the end of the week and make this face:


Number Nine:

Start a journal! Journals help you get everything out of your mind. If you include even 10 minutes of your nightly routine to writing what you did that day it can help you relax before going to bed. Try it, put down the phone and really connect to the pen and paper. Hey, you could be good at it! Again, K-mart have a good selection of notebooks for a cheeeeaaaaappppp price.  But if you are wanting a bit more quality try TYPO. All of their notebooks are leather-free and are so cute. Buy a pen while you are there too, its pretty exciting. Heres the ones I bought:

(K-mart Left, Typo Right:)                             (Also here with matching Typo Laptop case:)

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Number Ten:

Your boredom is a good thing! It can make you think about the week ahead. Therefore, cook yourself some pre ready meals for lunches! My favourite is this honey soy tofu with Soba noodles recipe, and I add other things such as capsicum (peppers), broccoli, asparagus, carrot and pumpkin noodles. I make enough for dinner plus 3 days worth and put it in containers ready for the week ahead! You can also chart your week and what homework/assignments/deadlines are due as well as appointments! I keep mine in a diary, including the days i’m working. When you wake up and you have your schedule planned and ready along with the pre done meals you can feel less stressed and at ease for the rest of the day. Honestly, enjoy it. Spend time with your pets. Volunteer at an animal shelter if you have a day a week when you have nothing to do. Anything helps and anything can help cure boredom 🙂

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My pesto pasta & vegan sausage, a chia pod and raw capsicum which I have 3 lots of for this weeks lunches!

Well that has been the Ten ways I like to turn a boring day into a happy one! I hope it works for you too my readers.





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